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Jentespranget 1973 BRRip x264 XviD AC3-EVO


Movies Detail of Jentespranget (1973)

✓ Title : Jentespranget
✓ Release Date : February 12th, 1973
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Director : Knud Leif Thomsen
✓ Writers : Knud Leif Thomsen, Sigbjørn Hølmebakk, Sigbjørn Hølmebakk
✓ Company : Teamfilm AS
✓ Countries : Norway, Denmark
✓ Cast : Rolf Søder, Eva von Hanno, Edith Carlmar, Eilif Armand, Erling Andresen, Per Christensen, Ingerid Vardund, Roy Bjørnstad, Bente Brunvoll, Vegard Hall

Synopsis of Jentespranget (1973)

Lina is in her best age, mid-30s. She is strong-willed, resilient and self-conscious. There has never been a man in her life, on the contrary, she even had to play the man's role on the small farm to sustain herself and the parents. But the quest for true love and longing for a man is still strong. She has never had the opportunity to realize this dream in the confined environment she lives in. Her obstinacy has also scared off the men. But one day Gilbert returned to the village after being in America for 20 years.

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Well, Jentespranget (1973) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Jentespranget (1973) itselft directed by Knud Leif Thomsen and Starring by Rolf Søder, Eva von Hanno, Edith Carlmar, Eilif Armand, Erling Andresen, Per Christensen, Ingerid Vardund, Roy Bjørnstad, Bente Brunvoll, Vegard Hall which made Jentespranget (1973) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Jentespranget (1973)

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12 Feb 1973 #Denmark