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Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown 2003 Bluray x264 AC3-EVO


Movies Detail of Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003)

✓ Title : Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown
✓ Original Title : Pietje Bell 2: De Jacht op de Tsarenkroon
✓ Release Date : December 18th, 2003
✓ Genre : Family
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Director : Maria Peters
✓ Writers : Maria Peters, Chris van Abkoude
✓ Company : Shooting Star Filmcompany
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Serge Price, Katja Herbers, Nicky Burger, Frensch de Groot, Jordy Mul, Quinten Schram

Synopsis of Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003)

Rascally Pietje and his Black Hand gang tangle with villain Stark as he and two cronies scheme to steal a priceless royal crown.

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Well, Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003) itselft directed by Maria Peters and Starring by Serge Price, Katja Herbers, Nicky Burger, Frensch de Groot, Jordy Mul, Quinten Schram which made Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown (2003)

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18 Dec 2003 #Netherlands