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[MP4~1080p] Download. The Gulf Full Movie {Free Online} Hd 1080p


Movies Detail of The Gulf (2017)

✓ Title : The Gulf
✓ Original Title : Körfez
✓ Release Date : November 24th, 2017
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Emre Yeksan
✓ Writers : Emre Yeksan, Ahmet Büke
✓ Companies : Bir Film, Homemade Films
✓ Country : Turkey
✓ Cast : Müfit Kayacan, Merve Dizdar, Damla Ardal, Serpil Gül, Cem Zeynel Kılıç, Ulaş Tuna Astepe, Ahmet Melih Yılmaz

Synopsis of The Gulf (2017)

Leaving behind a ruined career and a bitter divorce, Selim returns to his hometown Izmir. Unwilling to make plans for the future, he wanders around revisiting his past: family, schoolmates, an ex-lover. He runs into Cihan, a friend from the military service, an idler with a charming energy. As people start leaving Izmir due to a terrible smell caused by a mysterious maritime accident, Selim finds himself gradually drawn to a new world where he will go back embracing the possibilities of life.

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Well, The Gulf (2017) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Gulf (2017) itselft directed by Emre Yeksan and Starring by Müfit Kayacan, Merve Dizdar, Damla Ardal, Serpil Gül, Cem Zeynel Kılıç, Ulaş Tuna Astepe, Ahmet Melih Yılmaz which made The Gulf (2017) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Gulf (2017)

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- emphasizes the psychological condition of the hero that presents obstacles to his objective, rather than the action. Some psychological thrillers are also about complicated stories that try to deliberately confuse the audience, often by showing them only the same confusing or seemingly nonsensical information that the hero gains.

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