Movies Detail of Where We Disappear (2019)
✓ Title : Where We Disappear
✓ Release Date : July 21st, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 73 minutes
✓ Directors : Andra Hayes, Adhish Yajnik, Christy Teichmann, Simon Fink, Michael Konopisos
✓ Writer : Arthur M. Jolly
✓ Company : Gmouse
✓ Cast : Jolene Andersen, Hunter Doohan, David M. Edelstien, Georgina Haig, Vera Cherny, Carmen Argenziano, Katharine Isabelle, Heather Alexander, Osa Wallander, Jonathan Scarfe
Synopsis of Where We Disappear (2019)
A story of survival about a woman's first night in a Soviet prison camp. After committing a crime to protect her son, Anastasia is sentenced to 12 years in a Soviet prison camp. Her arrival upsets the balance between the inmates. In a night of backstabbing and shifting alliances, she must find a way to escape and discover the hidden truth of her survival.
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Well, Where We Disappear (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Where We Disappear (2019) itselft directed by Andra Hayes, Adhish Yajnik, Christy Teichmann, Simon Fink, Michael Konopisos and Starring by Jolene Andersen, Hunter Doohan, David M. Edelstien, Georgina Haig, Vera Cherny, Carmen Argenziano, Katharine Isabelle, Heather Alexander, Osa Wallander, Jonathan Scarfe which made Where We Disappear (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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