Movies Detail of The Story of Paul (1975)
✓ Title : The Story of Paul
✓ Original Title : Histoire de Paul
✓ Release Date : October 15th, 1975
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 81 minutes
✓ Director : René Féret
✓ Writer : René Féret
✓ Cast : Isabelle Caillard, Bernard Bloch, Michel Amphoux, Claude Bouchery, Paul Allio, Gildas Bourdet, Jean Benguigui, Roland Amstutz, Florence Camarroque, Pierre Banderet
Synopsis of The Story of Paul (1975)
A young man is checked into a mental hospital for unexplained reasons.
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Well, The Story of Paul (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Story of Paul (1975) itselft directed by René Féret and Starring by Isabelle Caillard, Bernard Bloch, Michel Amphoux, Claude Bouchery, Paul Allio, Gildas Bourdet, Jean Benguigui, Roland Amstutz, Florence Camarroque, Pierre Banderet which made The Story of Paul (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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