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123Movies.!|Watch Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018) Full Movie Watch Online Free HD


Movies Detail of Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018)

✓ Title : Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
✓ Original Title : Errementari
✓ Release Date : March 2nd, 2018
✓ Genres : Drama, Fantasy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Paul Urkijo
✓ Writers : Asier Guerricaechevarría, Paul Urkijo, José Miguel de Barandiarán
✓ Companies : Pokeepsie Films, Kinoskopik, Ikusgarri Films, Gariza Produkzioak, The Project, Nadie es Perfecto, Platanobolígrafo
✓ Countries : France, Spain
✓ Cast : Iñigo de la Iglesia, Maite Bastos, Eneko Sagardoy, Gotzon Sánchez, Josean Bengoetxea, Ramón Agirre, Kandido Uranga, José Ramón Argoitia, Uma Bracaglia, Aitor Urcelai

Synopsis of Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018)

Basque Country, Spain, 1843. A police constable arrives at a small village in Álava to investigate a mysterious blacksmith who lives alone deep in the woods.

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Well, Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018) itselft directed by Paul Urkijo and Starring by Iñigo de la Iglesia, Maite Bastos, Eneko Sagardoy, Gotzon Sánchez, Josean Bengoetxea, Ramón Agirre, Kandido Uranga, José Ramón Argoitia, Uma Bracaglia, Aitor Urcelai which made Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil (2018)

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2 Mar 2018 #Spain